Disney mighty morphin power rangers episodes
Disney mighty morphin power rangers episodes

disney mighty morphin power rangers episodes

The game isn't all that long about 8 or 9 levels I think but they are all fun and diverse enough and you get a boss battle at the end of each one with enemies from the show. The sounds were repetitive but that's understandable considering you're fighting the same enemies with the same moves and (when in Ranger form) weapons, so I'm not being too critical on that. On the musical point of the game it's a bit bland with some metal music track playing in the background but the iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme when your character morphs at the set points in the level always brings a smile to my face. (I'll not name names but they know who they were) And the models used.while a bit Racist (when it comes to Zack the Black Ranger) or to Jason and Billy (Who just didn't really look right at all, Jason more so then Billy.) So as the graphics were nice the modeling was a bit.bad you know who the person is it's just a shame the person didn't look like the actual character sadly. It's not muddy or ugly like some games at that time were known to be. Graphically speaking this game was at a good point in the SNES (Super Nintendo) lifespan. On the upside though each Ranger had his or her own Fighting Style in how the characters were animated and I found that a nice little touch instead of just a general punch, punch, kick type of deal. It's not a big issue and it's not often but it will incite a bit of frustration when it does happen. At times I would be playing and I'd be close enough but the hit would not register properly and I'd take a hit as punishment. I do have one small gripe on the combat, the hit detection. Being too simple would make this game no fun to play. I gave the difficulty of this game an 8 because while it's simple you can still be overrun by a handful of putties and have to jump around to get them all on one side which is good. On the upside each few levels you get a nice little one on one Zord vs. Though in later levels some putty's have Shields or Maces, though the mace ones have longer reach and the Shield ones take more hits to kill it's the same general "Mash attack button,move mash again until enemy is dead" formula. (The Putty Patrol) It's the same general enemy just color swapped. The main one being the uninteresting color swapped enemies. The game is quite fun but it does have it's drawbacks. But it's not so blisteringly hard that the game is unplayable or not fun any longer. Although it's nothing compared to games such a Mario or others in that vein of gaming the hazards on the platforming segments are challenging to the point that at times I myself got mad. From the second level onward platforming elements come into play, such as jumping up and even hanging onto certain surfaces to elevate yourself through the level.

disney mighty morphin power rangers episodes

Considering the game is not hard to grasp it is not needed anyhow. The combat is fun as most side scrolling fighter type games are, you simply run to the right for the first level to let you get acquainted with the game play, the lack of a tutorial is (in my opinion) a welcome remembrance from the past and. The controls are easy to grasp relying on mainly three keys, one for attacking, one for jumping and one more for a special "Bomb" move that each Ranger can have on hand to use when the moment calls and you feel that your character is being overwhelmed. (Childhood innocence and lack of too critical thought patterns.) But coming back to this game so many years later I'm happy to say it is still a fun and challenging, if a simple, game. I remember playing this game when I was a child and finding it to be one of the best games ever. Being a long time fan of both the Power Rangers Franchise and gaming in general I tend to take a game on the franchise quite seriously. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Review by: Georg-Pryme - 9.5/10 Still a Fun game.

Disney mighty morphin power rangers episodes